Roblox Studio Adventure Game (Day 5-6)
On Monday and Tuesday the week, I have started to work on my biggest project yet in Roblox studio; creating a fully working simulator. Some of the things that I've learned how to do was use the terrain editor tool, and some new coding statements.
Day 1
On day 1, the first thing that I did was create a notepad where I put down ideas for the game. The tutorial calls this stage of game design 'pre-production'.
The multiple caves that I created using the terrain editor tool
One of the caves unique design. I made it so the player has to travel through a stream of water to reach the crystals.
After I created these caves, I moved onto the coding side of things. The first thing I coded was a player leaderboard. The purpose of the leaderboard is to show the players their stats, like how many items they're holding, how much money they have, etc.
The complete leaderboard
Day 2
On day 2, I worked on creating a system for players to collect the crystals in the game. First, I went into the creator toolbox and put a nice looking crystal into my game. The way this system will work is that players will harvest crystals with pickaxes, then take the crystals to the shop to earn money from them. Then players will use that money to buy better tools to find rarer and more expensive crystals.
The harvestable crystal I added
Following the tutorial, it guided me to download the roblox studio package and place it into the starter pack folder. When I ran the game, a pickaxe was now in my inventory.
The starter pickaxe in my players inventory
The last thing I was able to do for this day was creating a script that detected when the pickaxe made contact with the crystal, using lots of variables and functions.
Output box showing that the code works with a print statement.
I'm pretty satisfied with the amount of progress that I've made on the game. My next step is creating a few more systems in the game like selling items and buying upgrades. My hope is that I can have a basic alpha version of the game, before I refine and finish the game by creating a more detailed map.
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